Contact Us


542 Lawrence Avenue
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6L8

+1 (604) 763-4335

Rustic Chalk Decor offers wood sign painting workshops for adults and kids that are available in Kelowna and other towns in Okanagan. We also sell variety of DIY Kits for projects that you can do at home with easy to follow step by step instructions.

Our Team

Rustic Chalk Decor all started with an idea. It began simply, by selling handmade chalkboards in farmers’ markets. After receiving lots of questions like, “How did you make it?" I decided to teach people how to make their own. Thanks to wonderful client support and interest, Rustic Chalk Decor now offers many different DIY events such as wood signs painting workshops as well “how to paint furniture“ hands on workshops. We also offer Made-to-Order signs and home decor.

Rustic Chalk Decor hosts regular workshops at the DIY studio in Kelowna, but also offers private group events in the comfort of your home in Kelowna, and other communities throughout the Okanagan valley. These workshops give you an opportunity to escape your daily routine and enjoy a fun evening out with your girlfriends, spend quality time with your children & family, build relationships with your coworkers, or an opportunity to actually finish that one Pinterest project you’ve been meaning to! What brings us joy is to see your excitement and disbelief when the sign is finished. Peoples’ comments are often, “I can’t believe I made this!’’ & “ I didn't think it was going to look THIS GOOD!” 

For those who are not able to attend a workshop, we also offer most of our projects as a DIY Kits. They can be picked up locally or shipped across Canada & USA.


Hi, my name is Lasma Scramstad. I am the founder of Rustic Chalk Decor - a local small business that offer hands on workshops & creates DIY kits. I was born and raised in a small country in eastern Europe, called Latvia. The story of how I moved to Canada is a long one, but a pretty romantic one too. I won't take the time to write about it here, but if you ask, I would be happy to share it! I am a wife and mom of three beautiful boys, and we moved to Canada in 2012. I have been putting on wooden sign painting workshops in the Okanagan since 2014! Since then, we have opened a retail storefront / DIY Studio downtown Kelowna.

Jennifer S

more info coming soon.