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542 Lawrence Avenue
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6L8


Rustic Chalk Decor offers wood sign painting workshops for adults and kids that are available in Kelowna and other towns in Okanagan. We also sell variety of DIY Kits for projects that you can do at home with easy to follow step by step instructions.

Paint Brushes & Hardware

Pointed Sash Brushes by Staalmeester


Pointed Sash Brushes by Staalmeester

from CA$25.99

Fusion Mineral Paint and Staalmeester Brushes are perfect together! We love the Pointed Sash Brushes for painting chairs and spindles!

This pointed paint brush is ideal for painting detailed furniture edges, mouldings, banisters, window frames, ledges, doors, spindles and furniture. The pointed head makes it perfect for edging work and cutting in and generally producing a great finish.

The bristles are a synthetic and natural blend.

Available in 2 sizes:

  • small #14 (26 mm)

  • large #18 (33 mm)

I recommend Fusion's Brush Cleaner for cleanup and conditioning so this brush will last you a lifetime.

For more info on Fusion Mineral Paint and their products, please visit

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