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542 Lawrence Avenue
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6L8


Rustic Chalk Decor offers wood sign painting workshops for adults and kids that are available in Kelowna and other towns in Okanagan. We also sell variety of DIY Kits for projects that you can do at home with easy to follow step by step instructions.

Colour Card with Real Paint Chips | Fusion Mineral Paint

Prep & Accessories

Colour Card with Real Paint Chips | Fusion Mineral Paint


Colour Card with Real Paint Chips | Fusion Mineral Paint


Fusion Mineral Paint True to Color Card - With Real Paint Chips

For less than the cost of a single Fusion Mineral Tester, you can now have all 55 Fusion Paint and Metallic Colors, as well as the 5 Fusion Limited Release Colors, in one True to Color representation!

These are similar to the 11x17 tri-fold color brochure we have now, and that you may have received for free with an order, but these True to Color cards have real Fusion Paint chips attached to the card, which help you see the true color of our Fusion Mineral Paints! Also, much thicker paper stock was used!

This is a great product if you're not a frequent painter, and are trying to decide on a color or particular shade.

For the frequent flipper, the Fusion Mineral Paint Color Fan Deck is also available which includes all 60 Fusion Colors, as well as 54 easy custom color recipes!

For more info on Fusion Mineral Paint and their products, please visit

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